Thursday, March 25, 2010
Threats linked to health votes prompt security
(TexasFred - Threats linked to health votes prompt security - 3/25/10)
In the article, TexasFred admonishes the threats, violence and vandalism directed towards Democrats who voted for the Health Care Bill. His defensive tone implies this posting is directed at liberals as he states “this was NOT the work of PATRIOTS, it is the ill-conceived efforts of uncouth louts suffering from a strain of violence that they feel must be carried out. Or, perhaps it’s that of pure trouble makers that seek to incite radical violence in this nation.” I completely agree with that statement. Democracy is supposed to be what holds this country together. Being a patriot isn’t about violence or revenge. But if you truly believe in this country, I think it is about fighting the good fight, while treating your opponent the way you’d expect to be treated.
As he continues, he seems to direct his words more towards his fellow TEA Party members in saying “I can’t speak for ALL TEA Party members, but as for me, it is MY opinion that if there is ANY proof that this was an act perpetrated by TEA Party members, of any affiliation, be they Executive Board, General Board or rank and file, those individuals need to be removed from The TEA Party and disavowed, never to be allowed back into the organization again.” Again, I agree that it would be in the TEA Party’s best interest to disassociate itself from these or any other kind of illegal activities. I am not a TEA Party member, nor do I agree with most of their arguments. Having said that, I feel they will never get a serious discourse on the issues they want addressed if they allow thugs to take over. This will only serve to discredit the movement.
I certainly understand the frustration that many who are opposed to the Health Care Reform Bill are feeling. I felt the exact same way regarding the invasion of Iraq. Just like the Tea Baggers, citizens held rallies, wrote their congressmen, did everything in their power as citizens to try to stop the war. It left people feeling frustrated, disenfranchised, and powerless in stopping what they felt was a huge mistake. And here we are, almost 10 years later. Whether you agree with him or not, Obama was elected because he promised change and the people who put him in office are the same ones who felt powerless 10 years ago. We do not live in a totalitarian state and our presidents are not dictators. Sometimes change happens more slowly than we would like, but that is the price of peace. We don’t live in a country of coups and bloody overthrows, where change happens quickly and violently. Tea Baggers aren’t shot in the streets of Washington like protesters in Iran. Neither were those who protested the war. If you sincerely compare the President to Hitler or Stalin it only shows how fortunate you really are never to have actually experienced living under such a regime. If you resort to threats or violence to push your agenda, you are no better than the dictators you are comparing your opponents to.
Having said this, I do take issue with some of the things Fred has to say. He continues “I am NOT going to sit here and say that the American people will never have to rise and take back this nation, that will remain an open and viable possibility, and an option in the future. We are, after all, a nation built on rebellion and revolution against an oppressive government. But this is NOT the right time, not yet. All legal and peaceful means of resolution will have to be fully exhausted before radical actions take place.” I’m concerned whenever I hear of people advocating overthrowing the government, however reservedly. I think it could be argued that the people who are issuing the threats and violence disagree with Fred and feel that time for radical action has come. If you want to reserve your right to “rise up and take back the nation” when “all legal and peaceful means have been exhausted”, that COULD be interpreted as pretty much any time you don’t get what you want. We have seen recently in Texas with the Fort Hood shootings and IRS plane attack what happens when people think it is OK to use violence when they feel all their options have run out. Clearly, these are examples from a fringe of society, but who is most likely to act on such beliefs? In a democracy, things aren't always going to be the way you want them to be. If you feel you need to take the nation back, who would you taking it from? A totalitarian government or your fellow citizens? Yes, our nation was built on rebellion and revolution, but it was against a foreign country. The TEA party likes to remind us of the cries of “Taxation without Representation”, but I think there is definitely a difference between no representation at all and duly elected representation you happen to disagree with.
I will close with a slight rewrite of TexasFred’s closing statement -
Always speak the truth. Speak intelligently. DO NOT make threats of violence or death against the President or any members of the Congress or the Senate. Assemble LEGALLY, and peacefully. NEVER utter threats against any that oppose you. Be an American PATRIOT in every sense of the word! Be proud of this USA and all that it should stand for.
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Friday, March 19, 2010
Editorial: Americans' murders in Juarez finally get our attention
I completely agree that bringing down Mexican drug cartels needs to be a top priority of the U.S. government. My argument with this editorial is that it fails to mention that we have a moral responsibility to bring these cartels under control, as the violence they are bringing to Mexico is fueled with American money and is incited by our demand for illegal drugs. I certainly agree that it is important that we protect our citizens and that billions of dollars in trade between El Paso and Juárez are important. However, even if these things were not at stake, we still have a responsibility to the people of Mexico to stand beside them and fight what is essentially our drug war. The violence that is happening in Mexico right now is not because of a religious or political fight. It's not a civil war. It's about money pure and simple. Billions of dollars of American money. Because of that, the blood of the thousands of innocent people being slaughtered over that money is also on the nation who supplies it. I agree 100% with this article, but in my opinion, the idea that we need to address this problem before it spills over into Texas or affects our economy completely misses the point. We need to acknowledge our part in this situation. I'm sure it is clear to the people of Mexico and the rest of the international community, even if we would prefer not to see it.
Editorial: Americans' murders in Juarez finally get our attention | News for Dallas, Texas | Dallas Morning News | Opinion: Editorials
Monday, March 1, 2010
Nueces Bike Boulevard Proposal
Recently, a plan was introduced to the city to turn